In Their Own Words

Twenty Successful Writers on the Craft and Business of Writing

(Mystery and Suspense Edition)

Current Feature

The Open Mic: Writers in Their Own Words with Craig Lancaster

My guest today is one of my very favorite writers in the world. Craig Lancaster is the author of 12 books, including his latest: NORTHWARD DREAMS, the tale of, and I quote “family violence, dysfunction, and, perhaps, redemption, told across four timelines.” I’m reading it now and all I say is it’s another de force from a guy from whom I have come to expect nothing less.

About Rich

Rich Ehisen has been a reporter and editor for almost 30 years, and is currently the editor in chief at Capitol Weekly, which covers the California State Capitol in Sacramento. For two decades previous he was the managing editor of the State Net Capitol Journal, a LexisNexis publication that covers state public policy issues and trends nationwide. In that role he was also the producer and host of the SNCJ Deep Dive podcast and the SNCJ Hot Issues webinar series. He is also the producer and moderator of The Open Mic: Writers in Their Own Words, a podcast and YouTube show that features his discussions on writing with crime fiction, mystery and thriller authors.

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In Their Own Words

A direct line to the thoughts and experiences of some of the most successful writers on the scene today. In Their Own Words shares insights and firsthand knowledge from twenty writers who simply know how to get it done.

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