A Few Words With: Editor Tammy Ditmore

A Few Words With: Editor Tammy Ditmore

From the high school newspaper to corporate America and beyond, for the better part of four decades Tammy Ditmore has been helping writers get better at their craft. Specializing in nonfiction, she offers a full suite of services to help guide writers at any stage of...
A Few Words With: WordServe Literary Founder Greg Johnson

A Few Words With: WordServe Literary Founder Greg Johnson

Over his long career, WordServe Literary Group founder Greg Johnson has shepherded countless authors and books from concept to publication. Most of those are in the faith-based market, with a large number of general and military market sales as well. But the changes...
A Few Words With: Editor Stuart Horwitz

A Few Words With: Editor Stuart Horwitz

As noted here before, every professional editor has their own focus, their own style, and their own process for how they help writers take a lump of coal into a shiny diamond. This week, I sat down with the estimable Stuart Horwitz, the founder of Book Architecture,...
A Few Words With: Literary Agent Elizabeth Kracht

A Few Words With: Literary Agent Elizabeth Kracht

As any aspiring writer can tell you, it’s tough out there in the literary world. I sat down recently with agent, writer and freelance editor Elizabeth Kracht of the Kimberly Cameron Agency to gain some insight into the ever-evolving publishing industry.  ...

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