A Few Words With: Editor Tammy Ditmore

A Few Words With: Editor Tammy Ditmore

From the high school newspaper to corporate America and beyond, for the better part of four decades Tammy Ditmore has been helping writers get better at their craft. Specializing in nonfiction, she offers a full suite of services to help guide writers at any stage of...
A Few Words With: Independent Editor Naomi Kim Eagleson

A Few Words With: Independent Editor Naomi Kim Eagleson

It’s been a while since I brought you a good old fashioned Open Mic post, so today’s offering is a real treat. For over a decade Los Angeles-based Naomi Kim Eagleson has helped hundreds of writers achieve their publication goals through her agency The...
A Few Words With: Editor Kristen Havens

A Few Words With: Editor Kristen Havens

Every writer needs a good editor. But not all editors are created equal, and having a website and a business card is not proof that someone knows that they are doing. I sat down recently with Los Angeles-based Kristen Havens, one of the most respected nonfiction...

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