A Few Words With: Claire Booth

A Few Words With: Claire Booth

As a crime reporter plying her trade in major media markets around the country, Claire Booth was no stranger to chronicling the bad behavior of bad people. But after her first book – a nonfiction account of a bizarre Northern California murder spree – she...
A Few More Words with: Dick Belsky

A Few More Words with: Dick Belsky

We don’t do a lot of second takes here at the Open Mic, but then some folks are always worth hearing from again. Such is the case with R.G. “Dick” Belsky, who dropped by recently to talk about his latest crime thriller, “Below the Fold,”...
The Open Mic Creativity and COVID-19 Project, Day 8: Author Christina Hoag

A Few Words With: Christina Hoag

As a reporter, Christina Hoag has dealt with some of the most dangerous situations a journalist can experience, from facing down Colombian guerrillas to interviewing gang members and corrupt presidents.

A Few Words With: Multi-Talented Chuck Sambuchino

A Few Words With: Multi-Talented Chuck Sambuchino

Many aspiring authors know Chuck Sambuchino from his time at Writer’s Digest, where for many years he was the editor of the publication’s indispensable annual “Guide to Literary Agents.” When he was not helping others find an agent, Chuck was

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