A Few Words With: John Carenen
Mystery author John Carenen knows a thing or two about…well, a lot of things, including how to craft a good story.

A Few Words With: Editor Extraordinaire Jane Friedman
When it comes to maneuvering the complex labyrinth that comprises the modern publishing industry, few voices are as respected as former Writer’s Digest publisher Jane Friedman.

A Few Words With: Multi-Talented Chuck Sambuchino
Many aspiring authors know Chuck Sambuchino from his time at Writer’s Digest, where for many years he was the editor of the publication’s indispensable annual “Guide to Literary Agents.” When he was not helping others find an agent, Chuck was

The Open Mic: A Few Words With “Wasted” Author John Byrne Barry
Like many writers, John Byrne Barry has plied his craft in just about every form possible, from journalism to marketing to seed catalogs.