A Few Words With: Independent Editor Naomi Kim Eagleson

A Few Words With: Independent Editor Naomi Kim Eagleson

It’s been a while since I brought you a good old fashioned Open Mic post, so today’s offering is a real treat. For over a decade Los Angeles-based Naomi Kim Eagleson has helped hundreds of writers achieve their publication goals through her agency The...
The Open Mic With: Agent Jill Marr

The Open Mic With: Agent Jill Marr

Literary agent Jill Marr of the Sandra Dijkstra Agency in Los Angeles learned early on in her career how to find the hook that sends author to the bestseller’s list. After starting out writing ad copy for published books, she has spent the last 16 years...
A Few Words With: Literary Agent Elizabeth Kracht

A Few Words With: Literary Agent Elizabeth Kracht

As any aspiring writer can tell you, it’s tough out there in the literary world. I sat down recently with agent, writer and freelance editor Elizabeth Kracht of the Kimberly Cameron Agency to gain some insight into the ever-evolving publishing industry.  ...

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